Do you remember eternal “Ancient” weapons bought by Ancient Coins in Underground Katalam that I’ve posted previously? Today we will have a quick look at eternal PvP armors and hats you can buy with “Ancient Coins”!
Do you remember eternal “Ancient” weapons bought by Ancient Coins in Underground Katalam that I’ve posted previously? Today we will have a quick look at eternal PvP armors and hats you can buy with “Ancient Coins”!
In the latest Korean patch 3.5, new 6-man instance “Tiamat’s Citadel” were introduced. By doing quests inside this instance, players are awarded with special “Defence Corps” coins, which can later can be exchanged for unique weapons skins and 60 level fabled mount.
Feel free to check out these new items.
In the latest Korean update Aion 3.5 few new features were added to the legion system – for example: increased legion level, new legion quests and items (including mounts!).
We are happy to share with you information about 3.5 legion features and also exclusive images we got from Aksi of Official Russian Aion Forum. Enjoy! 馃檪
Coin Qesty zna chyba ka偶dy – robi膮c powtarzalne zadania, polegaj膮ce na zabijaniu potwor贸w dostajemy coiny, kt贸re nast臋pnie wymieniamy na losowe [co ma si臋 zmieni膰 w 2.0 – przypis autora] bronie i zbroje. W najnowszym patchu 2.0 zostanie dodany nowy “poziom” coin quest贸w na poziom 51+ dzi臋ki, kt贸rym zbiera膰 si臋 b臋dzie nowe Mithril Coiny oraz jeszcze lepsze przedmioty!
Coin Questy do rodzaj powtarzalnych zda艅, kt贸re przewa偶nie wymagaj膮 od gracza zabicia pewnej ilo艣ci potwor贸w, a w nagrod臋 oferuj膮 exp oraz coin (monet臋). Po uzbieraniu danej ilo艣ci coin贸w, mo偶na je zwr贸ci膰 u odpowiedniego NPC, kt贸ry nagrodzi nas wybran膮 przez nas broni膮 b膮d藕 armorem o r贸偶nej jako艣ci (Fabled / Heroic / Superior). Nagrody wydaj膮 dwaj NPC: Magic Administration Officer (dla klas magicznych – Cleric / Chanter / Sorcerer / Spirit Master) oraz Combat Administration Officer (dla klas melee – Templar / Gladiator / Assassin / Ranger).
(Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15. lutego 2011)