Some time ago I reported to you about new Korean event, which focus on disappearance of lore NPC called Munin [see more: [K-Aion Event] “Munin disappeared”]. Today, I have some more info, how players can “track down” Munin. 😉
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Some time ago I reported to you about new Korean event, which focus on disappearance of lore NPC called Munin [see more: [K-Aion Event] “Munin disappeared”]. Today, I have some more info, how players can “track down” Munin. 😉
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Do you remember eternal “Ancient” weapons bought by Ancient Coins in Underground Katalam that I’ve posted previously? Today we will have a quick look at eternal PvP armors and hats you can buy with “Ancient Coins”!
“The Runadium” is 6-man end-game instance added in Aion 4.0 part 2. Today I’d like to share with you info about mythic grade items players can get there and which at the same time looks superb and have awesome stats!
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Some time ago [see: [Aion 3.5] Pure Lilies item series] we presented you concept art of new 3.5 items series called “Pure Lilies” and how you can get them. Today, we would like to share in-game screenshots of these items.
W patchu 2.7 dodano nie tylko nowe armory i bronie ale także nakrycia głowy. Posiadają one zarówno pvp jak i pve statystyki, dlatego też warto zapoznać się z “nową ofertą”.
Wraz z nowym patchem 1.9 (który wejdzie na koreańskie live servery już w tą środę, 24. marca!) zostaną dodane nowe nakrycia głowy, po 3 modele dla każdej z ras. Kosztować będą ok. 1,8 miliona kinah (uprzedzając Wasze uwagi – cena przedmiotów waha się ze względu na obowiązujący w grze w danym momencie tax – dlatego na zdjęciach jedna rasa ma drożej a druga taniej).
Poniżej prezentujemy wygląd tych nowych czapek. 😉