Do you remember eternal “Ancient” weapons bought by Ancient Coins in Underground Katalam that I’ve posted previously? Today we will have a quick look at eternal PvP armors and hats you can buy with “Ancient Coins”!
- Items can be bought with the use of “Ancient Coins”, which players can acquire in Underground Katalam (PvP zone) by killing mobs, doing quests ect.
- These items can be only enchanted max to 5 level
- Items have 2 stages of conditioning (2nd level has PvP stats)
- Each weapon type have 2 stats versions allowing players to chose the one for their own preferences (like staff will have stats for Clerics and 2nd staff for Chanters, mace for Clerics and Templars ect.)
- Items have unique appearance of “Ancient Shugos” 😉
- They are very nice for weapon synthesis with PvP “Battlefield” items acquired by “Dire Tokens” (see more: [Aion 4.0] Battlefield gear stats and appearance!)
All items stat translations are made by WoGGhA from Aion-cz.com. Many thanks for hard work!
(left-click and “show image” to see larger version)
Source: Eternal “Ancient” armors bought by Ancient Coins on Korean PowerBook and Ancient Coins on Aion-Cz.com
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