In the newest Aion 4.5 update not only Korean developers add new system to calculate higher Abyssal ranks (see: [Aion 4.5] New Honor Points system), but they also added new Abyssal gear for higher ranks. Check out few facts regarding these items and theirs stats with appearance! 🙂
- Items can be worn by 4-Star Officers and higher
- Items have several stats option for each classes (for example chain have version with magical or physical stats), tho they are not class restricted
- Items have different resistance stats (for example some focus more on magical resistance and others on magic suppression
- Items have 6 manastone slots and can be enchanted to +15
- Some armours have different appearance (cloth / leather) depending on version of the armour
- Abyssal Augmentation is possible – full lvl 2 Augmentation of armour costs 468,879 Abyss Points
- Competing whole set activate set bonus with PvP stats