Today, newest official expansion 4.0 (part 1) went live on Koreans Aion servers! Thanks to that, we can enjoy a ton of official multimedia including screenshots of new content, concept arts and video trailer!
Enjoy! 🙂
Today the newest Aion 4.0 part 1 was implemented on Korean Public Test Server (PTS)! It mainly focus on level cap increase to 65, new zones, skills, items, instances, new forst and… new “Gunner” class 🙂
It seems that “Aion 4.0” expansion will be split into 3 major “updates/parts” – part 1 will go live on 20th December, part 2 on 16th January 2013 (with Bard class), part 3 around end of 1st Q of 2013 (with Raider class).
Have a look on the first part of Aion 4.0!