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Daeva's Report

Latest news from the world of Atreia!


Tag: remodel

[Po polsku]

In 3.5 update new items were added called “Pure Lilies” series. Goal of these items is strictly remodelling. When player’s village “grow” to certain level, you can buy special guestbloom, which will grant you these “Pure Lilies” items (similar to “Cat Paw” weapon series).

Please check out the appearance of these new items! 馃檪

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[Po polsku]

Many of you were asked us to create “Hat section” in Aion’s Fashion Show. Today, with the help of our beloved Korean PowerBook, we can share with you this little guide about new hats added in Aion 3.0. With time we will try to update this section with hats from previous patches.

Good hunting, Daevas! 馃檪

Sarpan (56-60 lvl) Cloth Leather Chain Plate
Abyssal (60 lvl) Cloth Leather Chain Plate
Master Craft (58 lvl) Cloth Leather Chain Plate Glasses
Balic Craft (60 lvl) Cloth Leather Chain Plate Glasses

Source: Aion 3.0 New Hats on Korean PowerBook.

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Today we would like to present you an update to our “Aion’s Fashion Show” guide. Since patch 3.0 is not so far away, we have updated guide will all 3.0 armors and sets.

All “normal” (crafted, instance, coin ect.) armors went to “Sarpan” (56-60 lvl) category, balic and abyssal armors were added to theirs proper categories. Enjoy! 馃檪

Sarpan (56-60 lvl): Cloth Leather Chain Plate
Balic (all): Cloth Leather Chain Plate
Abyssal (all): Cloth Leather Chain Plate

Tarcza jest jedn膮 z najbardziej widocznych w czasie walki cz臋艣ci naszej zbroi, jej zadaniem jest chroni膰 nas, ale c贸偶 przeszkadza, by przy okazji wygl膮da艂a gro藕nie b膮d藕 je艣li wolimy majestatycznie? Dlatego te偶 przedstawiamy Wam kolejn膮 cz臋艣膰 naszego “Aion’s Fashion Show” – tym razem opracowali艣my zestawienie modeli tarcz.

[English Version]

Shield Atreian (1-50 lvl) Balaurean (51-55 lvl) Balic (all) Abyssal (all)

殴r贸d艂o: Shield’s models na Korean PowerBook.

Znudzi艂 Ci si臋 ju偶 “powszedni” wygl膮d Twojego gearu i chcia艂by艣 wygl膮da膰 “od艣wi臋tnie”? Planujesz jaki艣 ma艂y event RP i potrzebny Ci klimatyczny str贸j? Nic bardziej prostszego! W Aionie, w kt贸rym customizacja postaci odgrywa tak wa偶n膮 rol臋, mamy mi臋dzy innymi mo偶liwo艣膰 farbowania (patrz: Farbowanie zbroi) jak i zmieniania wygl膮du przedmiot贸w (patrz: Zmiana wygl膮du przedmiot贸w). Dost臋pne s膮 tak偶e kostiumy (b膮d藕 te偶 “od艣wi臋tne” stroje), kt贸re mo偶na wykorzysta膰 do remodelowania naszego gearu.
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