Two years ago – on 28th February 2012 – Gameforge took on AION’s European operations and switched the popular MMO to free-to-play. To celebrate this anniversary, they have prepare several mini-events for all European players 😉
Update 4.5
On 9th April 2014 GF will role out of the 4.5 update on the European servers. Included in this is the second specialisation for the Engineer, the Rider. You will be able to travel with him on a powerful mech and teach your enemies the meaning of fear!
Boost events
For the occasion of the anniversary, there’s some great boosts from 26th February to 5th March 2014:
+ 50% AP
+ 50% EP
+ 50% drop chance
– 50% AP loss
In-game event
Treats for all! Between the 3rd and 7th March 2014, the Game Masters will be visiting the servers and presenting you with tasty transformation sweets. Just what will you transform into?
Additional AION Coins
To celebrate our 2nd anniversary, Gameforge ise gifting us additional Coins when topping up our premium currency in the AION shop on the 28th February 2014!
Daeva Special:
Top up between midday and midnight on 28th February and you will receive 35% more AION Coins.
Offer for new shop customers:
Top up for the first time ever between midday and midnight on 28th February and you will receive 50% more AION Coins.
Source: 2 years of AION Free-to-Play on Official Aion EU page.
Yes, Aion in Korea is celebrating its 5th Anniversary this year! To celebrate this, they are running several smaller events and boost and also give everyone a free eternal set for level 10 +
Thank you all for participating in our anniversary competition.
Lucky winners are:
Argetlam, Akino, Cen, Adonis, Edeline!
Congratulations! 🙂 Emails will be send shortly!
And correct answerers were:
Location 1: Drakenwreck
Location 2: Tigraki Island
Location 3: Leibo’s Island
That’s right! Three years ago in August 2009 Daeva’s Report published its first article and began the work to share with community the latest news about Aion! Later in June 2010, we’ve decided to share also information in English for our international fans.
Celebrate with us 3rd Anniversary!
Take part in our anniversary competition and win one of 5 coupon codes, which are worth 10€ each and can be used in Aion EU Shop! How to win it? Nothing simpler! 🙂
Każdego roku o tej porze wszyscy w Atrei zbierają się by wspominać Ascendencję pierwszych ludzi przemienionych w Daevy oraz błogosławieństwo Aiona. Daeva’s Day jest czasem honorowego obchodzenia tej okazji, lecz ponad to w tym roku jest okazją do świętowania jeszcze jednego doniosłego wydarzenia w historii Atrei.
W minionym roku tysiące dołączyło w szeregi Daev, by walczyć ze śmiertelnymi wrogami swojej rasy oraz Balaurami. Jeszcze nigdy w historii Atrei tak wielu nie dostąpiło Ascendencji w tak krótkim czasie.
Ta masowa Ascendencja spowodowała zmiany w prądach Aetheru co spowodowało iż Aether skrystalizował się w postaci “Ascension Energy”. W czasie tej niespodziwanej zmiany, nazwanej właśnie “Ascension Festival”, wszystkie Daevy zbierać będą Ascension Energy w swoich torbach w czasie podróży po Atrei.
Zapraszamy do świętowania razem z nami drugiej rocznicy Aiona w czasie eventu “Ascension Festival”! W czasie jego trwania gracze zbierać będą “Ascension Energy”, które następnie wymienić można na unikalne skiny broni, kostiumy oraz inne nagrody!
Festiwal trwać będzie pomiędzy 21. września a 26. października 2011.