New 2.7 patch will be introduced today on Korean PTS. It will mainly focus on PvP content players were asking so long. With this patch new Crucible instance will be added, which will be divided into two type of PvP arena. First one is group arena called “Arena of Chaos” and second one is 1vs1 arena called “Arena of Solitude”.

Let’s remind few facts:

  • Arena of Chaos is 10-man arena with “all-vs-all” fight, Arena of Solitude is 1vs1 arena.
  • Minimum entry level is 46+, but depending on theirs level players will be divided into two “level groups” (46-50 and 51-55). Of course player from 51-55 level group won’t fight against person from 46-50 one.
  • Players will receive Crucible Insignias, “Arena Medals” (name still unknown), Abyss Points as a reward from participating. You can buy new PvP items by these medals and insignias.
  • In order to enter Arena player need to have “Arena Ticket”, which can be obtained by doing quests. Tho after 7 days these ticket – if unused – will disappear from player’s inventory.
  • Gameplay on arena will be divided into 3 rounds, each will last 3 minutes, after time out it will change to another round. Players will earn points by killing enemy players and completing objectives on the map.
  • There will be several arena objects (like cannons) which you will be able to use during battle to defeat other players!
  • There will be also “Training Mode” for this instance, to let players practice and explore / learn maps.

How to enter Arenas
Entrance and NPC for these new Arenas was added to Kaisinel Academy and the Marchutan Academy.

Sign up for Arenas is similar to Dredgion sign-up. After talking to NPC or clicking on instance’s door application window will appear. You can chose to start new group or join already fighting one. After completing group is done, you can enter instance.

Arena of Chaos (10-man, all-vs-all arena)

There will be 6 maps available for this arena, and 3 will be randomly chosen during battle. Maps will determinate players’ play style depending on terrain or objectives on the map. It will be important to learn how to act and fight on each map.

Arena of Chaos consists of 3 rounds with 3 minutes time limit each. Base score is 13k, players earn points by killing other players, monsters and doing map objectives. In 3rd round, player with the highest score will have mark above his head and killing him will grant more points, also nine other players will gain 10% pvp buff. If anyone will score certain amount of point, arena will end immediately.

Arena of Solitude

(1-vs-1 arena)

There are 4 different maps available for this arena, and 3 of them will be randomly chosen.

Arena of Solitude also consists of 3 rounds with 3 minutes time limit each. Base score is 13k, players earn points by killing enemy player, monsters and doing map objectives. In 3rd round, player with the highest score will have mark above his head and killing him will grant more points, also nine other players will gain 10% pvp buff. If anyone will score certain amount of point, arena will end immediately.

Dying and resurrecting in Arena.
Player lose points if they die during the fight, they will automatically resurrect in the random place 5 seconds after death. Also at the beginning of each round such person will gain Resurrection Buff, which will grant them +90% PvP armor, +50% movement speed, +9999 Magic Resistance and +1000 other resistances. Buff will last 20-30 seconds.

Training Mode

Because every entering Arenas costs “Arena Ticket”, a “Training Mode” was also introduced. It will allow players to enter Arenas for practising or just for fun. Entering won’t required ticket, tho it has 15 minute cooldown. Also it won’t reward players with Abyss Points, Insignia nor “Arena Medals.

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Source: 3rd Crucible instance on Korean PowerBook.